
Generations Class (Middle school-Aged Youth / Confirmation / 6th-8th grade)

Generations meets from 12:30-2p on Sunday afternoons three times a year for six-week sessions. We partner with two other ELCA congregations and rotate between churches for our time together. We begin in the fall, usually in September, and wrap up by June.

Because we believe that parents and adult sponsors are the best teachers of the faith, we require one parent or adult sponsor to attend each session with their child. The adults treasure this time to engage with their own faith and to form relationships with other adults to share information, wisdom, and support.


What parents model in terms of their participation in worship, what they say and how they say it, how they make connections to their own faith and act in the world: all these things are absorbed on an almost-daily basis by their children.

To that end, we have designed a three-year program of faith formation that empowers both parents and students to think about, discuss, and act upon their faith. At the end of the three-year curriculum, the youth are invited to become confirmed members within our congregation. But the choice is always theirs!

Please contact the Pastor for more information, and to coordinate schedules.